Friday, April 5, 2024


 So long story short, my footage is missing.

I'm going to have to get Tai to send me the footage again or see if I saved it on another flash drive, because my hard drive decided to malfunction. I don't even know what happened. Like some videos were straight up black frames and some had the red missing footage sign. I guess I'm starting from scratch again... yay...

It's ok though. I've had to edit whole news packages in less than two hours basically every Saturday this school year and I've always turned it in on time. This time I have three days left to finish this trailer, which is not much considering what the other teams had, but I can make it work. I don't have any homework tomorrow night so I can just spend all afternoon editing the trailer. I was also planning on doing a teaser, which might have to be put on the backburner, but I'm still going to try and shoot for. Through problems we problem solve! (hopefully). 

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