Monday, February 27, 2023


     Today I met up with a group of 5 people in my media studies class to talk about our projects. It was really helpful talking about our ideas and seeing how helping another solve their problem helps with our own problems. The other people in my group had problems with scheduling, plot ideas, and even just how to start the opening scene. What I learned from their problems were that I'm on the right track when it comes to time management. I've been posting lately, and I'm almost done with pre-production planning. Some other people still don't have a storyboard or an outline of what they are going to do. I also realized I should look at more mystery films, just to get a better idea of how to execute this film opening. 

     When we were reviewing my blog and ideas, everyone said they really like the idea, but they thought it was pretty abrupt of an opening. I think I might add a shot of Genova coming into the room, sitting down, and then start the whole montage. When I was planning, I was thinking, "Oh, like a tv show opening where there's a scene before hand and then the intro" but I know realize it has to be the actual first 2 minutes. So, I'll add more of an opening shot. Maybe even before the sitting down shot, I could add an establishing shot of the building she lives in. I have a competition in LA in 2 weeks, so I can film a building there. It might not be NYC, like it is in the plot, but I could fake it. I'm in Hollywood after all!

     Somone also mentioned it could be like the opening for A Series of Unfortunate Events and I looked it up and it's almost exactly like what I had envisioned. Obviously, it won't be about "unfortunate events" but instead of dancer disappearances in NYC. 

A Series of Unfortunate Events Intro

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