Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The Main Character & The Setting

      I figured that I should probably focus on my main character's personality and things she holds dear, because it is what defines her. This should be present during the intro, at least a little bit. Plus, hints of her personality and possessions can be used in the montage when showcasing different objects and cutting from one thing to the next.

      I feel like her color palette should include blues, reds, pinks (for ballet reasons), blacks, and oranges. It would mark her intelligence, passion, wealth, and adrenaline seeking side. As I previously stated, I want her to be a blonde (it doesn't have to be that blonde but maybe a dirty blonde, enough to please the blondes but also relate to the brunettes out there) and preferably with light eyes (so that honestly the shots involving eyes for the intro would look cool with the lighting). I want her to have a necklace of some sort that she fumbles with each time she is deep in thought, which is often. With clothing, I want her to be all preppy whenever she is in dance, but her street clothing can be large T-shirts and jeans. There's no need for crop tops in her character and the storyline. I feel like the contrasting looks represent her two different lives and how shocking it is to her to see them connect all of a sudden with the disappearances. 

Genova's Mood Board

Created by me on Canva!

     As for the setting, it will take place in a boarding school for dance in a big city. Although I don't go to boarding school, I am currently doing research on what life is like for dancers that do this. I follow a pointe shoe brand, Russian Pointe, on their Instagram. They have ambassadors that take over the page's stories and they are mostly young adults/teenagers that go to foreign academies and live there for a little while. They live with other dancers that dance there. They do a day in the life blogs and so on. I feel like it is a good source to hear from these people themselves because they are all equally as passionate about dance as my main character. Obviously, one would find the place boring if they didn't have a passion from dance. I am also aware that social media, no matter what platform, can be a little misleading at times. That is why I also am asking my dancer friends, that have gone and slept at ballet summer intensives in other cities and even one who moved to New York City to dance at ABT, for their experiences; to make the feeling and tone more authentic. 

Instagram URL: @rpcollection1998 • Instagram photos and videos

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